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Learn About Characters & Outfits

In the project template, we have added a new outfit for Queen called "MyModOutfit". Character files are required to be put in a particular location in the file system. You'll find the outfit in the res://assets/dialogue/character/Queen/MyModOutfit/ folder. Inside the folder you'll see a bunch of files that you don't have to worry about yet.

Since this outfit's files already exist, all we have to do is let the game know that there is a new outfit.

Open the res://mods/MyMod/ script file. This file is the root file containing all of your mod's information and the code that is executed when your mod is enabled.

When you create a new outfit for a character, you must let the game know what the outfit is and how it should handle your outfit. Do you want the outfit to be available in the shop? When should it be available in the shop? How much does it cost?

# Add our outfit for Queen into the game.
QB.character.getCharacter("Queen").addOutfit("MyModOutfit", "My Mod Outfit", "A lovely and totally safe-for-work outfit.", false, "newGame", 100)

In the project template, we have also added a new character into the game called MyCharacter. You can find that character's assets in the res://assets/dialogue/character/MyCharacter/Default/ folder. Don't be alarmed, she may look exactly like Suki, but according to our mod, she totally isn't!

That folder contains the assets for our character, but we need to tell the game that this character exists. Open the res://characters/ script file to see what's inside.

extends Character

func _init().("MyCharacter", "My Character"):

A very simple script. In the _init() function you'll see the code needed to initialize the character's ID and the character's name. Go ahead and change the character's name to the name of your best friend!

extends Character

func _init().("MyCharacter", "My Mom!"):

Looking at the res://mods/MyMod/ file you will notice that we added this character into the game using this line:

# Add a new character into the game.

Well, now that we have a new outfit and a new character, let's go throw these into our quest dialogue!